Even the more experienced sea anglers look forward to the autumn whiting run. It’s guaranteed bites! And if you’re new to sea fishing, it’s a great way to learn the basics before moving on to bigger challenges. Most anglers fish with standard 4-6oz conventional beachcasters, but there is a growing and welcome trend towards lighter rods and tackle for increased bite detection.

Beach whiting are generally caught in the band of water from 50yds to 100yds from the shore. With balanced tackle, this is reachable by most anglers without exaggerated casting styles. What’s more, whiting do not like overly rough seas, preferring calm frosty nights and flat seas. The rougher the sea and the greater the wave action, the less likely good catches are, unless the water is over 20-feet deep, say off a breakwater or pier.
To get the casting range, and the improved bite detection, look for a rod that either has a softer, forgiving tip section. Better still, a multi tipped rod offering two or three tip options for use with different weight sizes including soft, medium and heavy. A good casting weight rating is 2ozs to 5ozs and in a length of around 14ft to 15ft. This length generates a faster tip speed and therefore a faster lead speed, which increases the overall casting distance for the same physical force generated. The softer tips can also be pulled tight to the lead and in calm seas with minimal surf activity will show up bites better.
The above tackle also covers basic pier and breakwater fishing, with the rod more than powerful enough to lift a string of three whiting.
The alternative is a standard 11ft 6in bass rod rated to cast 2-4ozs. These will comfortably cast to the range needed with a 3oz lead and three small baits.

With the longer multi tipped rod, choose a fixed spool reel in the 6000 to 8000 size range. Depending on the actual size, they will hold between 300 and 400-yards of 0.35 mm line, which is ample for general fishing. Some will hold more.
On the shorter bass rod, this will balance well with a 6500 sized multiplier reel loaded with 15lb mono. Alternatively, use a 5000 or 6000 sized fixed spool.
- Tronixpro Guerilla Mono Mag
- Tronixpro Xenon C6 8000
- Tronixpro Banzai LC 8000
- Tronixpro Guerilla Surf 8000

Mainline and Leader
On the multi tipped rod and fixed spool reel, load with 20lb braid for general fishing and add a braid shock leader of 30lbs. The leader needs to wrap around the spool 8 times, run up the length of the rod with a 2ft drop beyond the tip ring. The 20lb braid has no real stretch, improving bite detection at range, but being very thin in diameter will cast lighter 2 to 3oz leads and baits a very long way. Some anglers prefer to fish 30lb braid straight through without a leader, which is fine, but the 20lb braid as a main line has the edge for out-and-out casting range.
The 6500-multiplier reel should be loaded with 15lb mono and a 30lb mono shock leader. Again, if you prefer a fixed spool reel, load with 20lb braid and add that 30lb braid casting shock leader.

Whiting Rigs
Whiting are a ravenous shoal fish in direct competition for food, so sophisticated rigs are not necessary. The aim is to catch as many as you can, so a simple 3-hook flapper rig is the best all round choice.
- Take 40-inches of 60lb clear mono.
- At one end, tie on a clip link.
- Slide on a rig crimp, 3 mm rig bead, a size 6 rolling swivel, another 3 mm bead and a rig crimp. Add two more crimp, bead and swivel sequences, leaving these loose for now.
- Slide on a rig crimp, 3 mm rig bead, a size 6 rolling swivel, another 3 mm bead and a rig crimp. Add two more crimp, bead and swivel sequences leaving these loose for now.
- To the free tag end of 60lb mono tie on a size 4 rolling swivel.
- Crimp the first crimp, bead and swivel assembly in place 2-inches above the link. Crimp the second crimp, bead and swivel assembly in position exactly halfway up the rig body, with the last crimp, bead and swivel assembly crimped 2-inches down from the top size 4 swivel.
The hook lengths tied to the size 6 swivels should be either clear mono or Fluorocarbon 15-inches in length and from 18 to 20lb breaking strain. Fluorocarbon, being stiffer, is a good choice if there is some wave action as it's less prone to tangling.
Changes to make to the length of the hook length should come either side of low water when bites are less aggressive. A longer 18-inch hook length gives the whiting time to turn and pick up speed to come up tight against the lead weight to promote self-hooking against the weight of the lead.
In a fast tide run and a rougher sea, reduce the hook lengths to 10-inches or less. This stops the bait swirling around as much, giving a more static target for the whiting to take and with the increased tide run, they hit the bait hard and are instantly hooked as they turn away.
In rougher seas, also try adding an SSG split shot about 2-inches above the hook. This again keeps the bait more static and will increase the bite ratio.
Sizes 4 to 2 Aberdeen hooks work best and suit both worm and fish baits.
- Tronixpro Xenon Leader 60lbs
- Tronixpro Casting Snap Link
- Tronixpro Rig Crimps
- Tronixpro Round Rig Beads 3 mm
- Tronixpro Rolling Swivels Size 4
- Tronixpro Fluorocarbon Hard 18lbs
- Tronixpro Aberdeen Match Hooks Size 2

Luminous Attraction
Some luminous attraction placed near the hook and bait can often increase bites. This can be a single 2 to 4 mm luminous green bead. If the water has some colour in it, two luminous beads can help. Furthermore, a short length of luminous green tubing on the hook length, kept in place by a luminous bead and a Rig Gum stop knot can work well.
Charge the luminous beads with a UV torch, but the light from your headlight will do as a less effective option.

Release wire grip leads need to be used as they keep the baits in one static position, producing a scent trail for the whiting to follow up. They also give weight resistance, as mentioned, to help self-hooking. Sizes between 2 and 4ozs will cover all situations.
It pays to wait if you see the first bite on a newly cast out rig. The activity of one hooked whiting will normally attract others, and this is how you get three fish at once.
- Shorecast Gripaway 3oz Leads
Whiting Bait
Lugworm, both black and blow lug catch plenty of whiting, as will ragworm, but worm baits tend to attract the smaller fish. To help pick out the bigger whiting, either tip the worm baits with a small sliver of mackerel, sandeel or squid, alternatively, fish single mackerel strips. Whiting have needle sharp fine teeth and are true predators, so fish forms the bulk of their diet. Bear that in mind to target the better fish.
Arguably, the top bait for bigger whiting is frozen sandeel. Cut this into smaller 1.5-inch body sections and bind it on well with bait elastic.
Other baits that work are cockle, butterfish clams, and razorfish, but worm and fish baits will outscore everything else.
Rod Rest
You’re not holding the rod, so a rod rest is best, and you can comfortably watch the rod tip for bites. A rod rest also allows you to position the rod with the rod tip low down and at an angle to the waves. In calm seas, this gives the very best in bite detection when fishing to a totally tight line.
Whiting fishing is best during the dark hours, especially when a low tide starts to flood in the dark. This brings the fish in closer and in numbers. A headlight, then, is essential. One with a long-range beam and with the choice of a broader pool light for baiting up and working around your base camp is the best choice.
Rechargeable headlights are now the most popular and will last at least 40-hours plus on a full charge, using the less draining pool beam. Choose one that is waterproof to combat dampness from the sea and the inevitable rain.